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Class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file

Extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.
Defined in: plugins/dialogui/plugin.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file(dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList)
A file upload input.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Get the action assigned to the form.
Gets the <input> element of this file input.
The events must be applied on the inner input element, and that must be done when the iframe & form has been loaded
Redraws the file input and resets the file path in the file input.
The default value of input type="file" is an empty string, but during initialization of this UI element, the iframe still isn't ready so it can't be read from that object Setting it manually prevents later issues about the current value ("") being different of the initial value (undefined as it asked for .value of a div)
Uploads the file in the file input.
Methods borrowed from class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement:
getLabel, setLabel
Methods borrowed from class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement:
accessKeyDown, accessKeyUp, disable, enable, focus, getDialog, getElement, isChanged, isEnabled, isFocusable, isVisible, selectParentTab, setValue
Events borrowed from class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement:
Class Detail
CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file(dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList)
Since: 3.0
A file upload input.
{CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
Parent dialog object.
{CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
The element definition. Accepted fields:
  • validate (Optional) The validation function.
{Array} htmlList
List of HTML code to output to.
Field Detail
{Object} eventProcessors
Since: 3.0
Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
Method Detail
{String} getAction()
Since: 3.0
Get the action assigned to the form.
{String} The value of the action.

{CKEDITOR.dom.element} getInputElement()
Since: 3.0
Gets the <input> element of this file input.
{CKEDITOR.dom.element} The file input element.

{Undefined} getValue()
Since: 3.0

{Undefined} registerEvents(definition)
Since: 3.0
The events must be applied on the inner input element, and that must be done when the iframe & form has been loaded
{Undefined} definition

{Undefined} reset()
Since: 3.0
Redraws the file input and resets the file path in the file input. The redraw logic is necessary because non-IE browsers tend to clear the <iframe> containing the file input after closing the dialog.

{Undefined} setInitValue()
Since: 3.0
The default value of input type="file" is an empty string, but during initialization of this UI element, the iframe still isn't ready so it can't be read from that object Setting it manually prevents later issues about the current value ("") being different of the initial value (undefined as it asked for .value of a div)

{CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file} submit()
Since: 3.0
Uploads the file in the file input.
{CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file} This object.

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