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Namespace CKEDITOR.lang

Holds language related functions.
Defined in: core/lang.js.

Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The list of languages available in the editor core.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
CKEDITOR.lang.detect(defaultLanguage, probeLanguage)
Returns the language that best fit the user language.
CKEDITOR.lang.load(languageCode, defaultLanguage, callback)
Loads a specific language file, or auto detect it.
Field Detail
<static> {Object} CKEDITOR.lang.languages
Since: 3.0
The list of languages available in the editor core.
alert( CKEDITOR.lang.en );  // "true"
Method Detail
<static> {String} CKEDITOR.lang.detect(defaultLanguage, probeLanguage)
Since: 3.0
Returns the language that best fit the user language. For example, suppose that the user language is "pt-br". If this language is supported by the editor, it is returned. Otherwise, if only "pt" is supported, it is returned instead. If none of the previous are supported, a default language is then returned.
alert( CKEDITOR.lang.detect( 'en' ) );  // e.g., in a German browser: "de"
{String} defaultLanguage
The default language to be returned if the user language is not supported.
{String} probeLanguage Optional
A language code to try to use, instead of the browser based autodetection.
{String} The detected language code.

<static> {Undefined} CKEDITOR.lang.load(languageCode, defaultLanguage, callback)
Since: 3.0
Loads a specific language file, or auto detect it. A callback is then called when the file gets loaded.
{String} languageCode
The code of the language file to be loaded. If null or empty, autodetection will be performed. The same happens if the language is not supported.
{String} defaultLanguage
The language to be used if languageCode is not supported or if the autodetection fails.
{Function} callback
A function to be called once the language file is loaded. Two parameters are passed to this function: the language code and the loaded language entries.

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