Code Index



Namespace CKFinder.ajax

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Ajax methods for data loading.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
CKFinder.ajax.load(url, callback, postParams)
Loads data from an URL as plain text.
CKFinder.ajax.loadXml(url, callback, postParams)
Loads data from an URL as XML.
Namespace Detail
Since: 2.0
Ajax methods for data loading.
Method Detail
<static> {String} CKFinder.ajax.load(url, callback, postParams)
Since: 2.0
Loads data from an URL as plain text.
// Load data synchronously.
var data = CKFinder.ajax.load( 'somedata.txt' );
alert( data );
// Load data asynchronously.
var data = CKFinder.ajax.load( 'somedata.txt', function( data )
        alert( data );
    } );
{String} url
The URL from which load data.
{Function} callback Optional
A callback function to be called on data load. If not provided, the data will be loaded asynchronously, passing the data value the function on load.
{String} postParams
A urlencoded POST data.
{String} The loaded data. For asynchronous requests, an empty string. For invalid requests, null.

<static> {CKFinder.xml} CKFinder.ajax.loadXml(url, callback, postParams)
Since: 2.0
Loads data from an URL as XML.
// Load XML synchronously.
var xml = CKFinder.ajax.loadXml( 'somedata.xml' );
alert( xml.getInnerXml( '//' ) );
// Load XML asynchronously.
var data = CKFinder.ajax.loadXml( 'somedata.xml', function( xml )
        alert( xml.getInnerXml( '//' ) );
    } );
{String} url
The URL from which load data.
{Function} callback Optional
A callback function to be called on data load. If not provided, the data will be loaded asynchronously, passing the data value the function on load.
{String} postParams
A urlencoded POST data.
{CKFinder.xml} An XML object holding the loaded data. For asynchronous requests, an empty string. For invalid requests, null.

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