[hide]JavaScript integration
The integration using javascript code is a bit more powerful. The javascript integration file provides also a Popup method, which can be used to open CKFinder in a popup window.
Step 1: Loading CKFinder
CKFinder is a JavaScript application. To load it, you just need to include a single file reference at your page. Supposing that you have installed CKFinder at the "ckfinder" directory at the root of your web site, here you have an example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/ckfinder/ckfinder_v1.js"></script>
With the above file loaded, the CKFinder class is ready to be used.
Step 2: Creating an Application Instance
Next thing to do, to have the CKFinder up & running, is creating an application instance.
<script type="text/javascript">
var finder = new CKFinder();
finder.BasePath = '/ckfinder/';
finder.Skin = 'v1';
(put this code anywhere inside of the <body>
tag). For a working example please check the standalone v1 sample distributed with CKFinder (_samples/standalone_v1.html).
The JavaScript integration method provides also two static methods to launch CKFinder, which can accept either four arguments or the settings object as the only argument.
- CKFinder.Create( basePath, width, height, selectFunction ) - Simple static method supporting only basic four arguments. All arguments except basePath are optional.
- CKFinder.Create( settingsObject ) - Pass an object with selected properties as the only argument.
- CKFinder.Popup( basePath, width, height, selectFunction ) - Simple static method supporting only basic four arguments. All arguments except basePath are optional.
- CKFinder.Popup( settingsObject ) - Pass an object with selected properties as the only argument.
The example of creating CKFinder using a static javascript method:
<script type="text/javascript">
CKFinder.Create( '/ckfinder/', 700 ) ;
More flexible method of launching CKFinder, the object with selected settings is passed as the only argument:
<script type="text/javascript">
CKFinder.Create( { BasePath : '/ckfinder/', RememberLastFolder : false } ) ;
The following properties are available in the CKFinder object:
- BasePath - The URL path for the installation folder of CKFinder. Default value: "/ckfinder/".
- Width - The CKFinder width (for example: 600, '80%'). Default value: "100%".
- Height - The CKFinder height (for example: 500, '100%'). Default value: 400.
- SelectFunction - An optional function to be called when the user selects a file in CKFinder.
- SelectFunctionData - An optional argument of type string that will be passed to the "SelectFunction". Please refer to the js/popups.html file for a usage example.
- SelectThumbnailFunction - An optional function to be called when the user selects a thumbnail in CKFinder. Default value: "SelectFunction" (if "SelectFunction" is set).
- SelectThumbnailFunctionData - An optional argument of type string that will be passed to the "SelectThumbnailFunction".
- DisableThumbnailSelection - If set to true, "Select thumbnail" item will not appear in the context menu. Default value: false.
- ResourceType - Resource type to display. By default CKFinder displays all available resource types. If ResourceType property is set, CKFinder will display only specified resource type (e.g. "Files", "Images").
- StartupPath - Resource Type and the name of the startup folder, separated with a colon (for example: "Files:/", "Images:/cars/"). If defined, CKFinder will open the selected folder automatically.
- StartupFolderExpanded - Used only when "StartupPath" is set. If set to true, the initial folder will be opened automatically on startup.
- RememberLastFolder - If set to true, CKFinder will remember the last used folder in a cookie. In some cases, it may be required to store the name of last used folder in separate cookies for different CKFinder instances, in such case, assign the "Id" property (explained below). Default value: true.
- Id - Used to identify the CKFinder object, optional. If set, the "Id" variable will be passed to the server connector on each request. When "RememberLastFolder" is enabled and the "Id" is set, CKFinder will remember the last directory in a separate cookie.
- ClassName - The name of the CSS class rule assigned to the CKFinder frame. Default value: "CKFinderFrame".