CKEditor Localization Troubleshooting

This website contains links to software which is either no longer maintained or will be supported only until the end of 2019 (CKFinder 2). For the latest documentation about current CKSource projects, including software like CKEditor 4/CKEditor 5, CKFinder 3, Cloud Services, Letters, Accessibility Checker, please visit the new documentation website.

If you look for an information about very old versions of CKEditor, FCKeditor and CKFinder check also the CKEditor forum, which was closed in 2015. If not, please head to StackOverflow for support.

The following article describes some issues that may arise during the localization process. If your problem is not described here, contact CKEditor project maintainers to get support.

How to report disruptive team members, abuse, and vandalism

If you feel that there is a member of your team who is abusing the CKEditor localization project in any way, please report him or her to the project maintainers.

Resource was not locked after downloading it for translation

You can lock the resource manually by selecting the Lock this translation to notify others you're working with it. option in the language resource dialog window.

Lock file option in Transifex

Do not forget to unlock the translation when you are done with your work.

Which language code should I use for a new team?

When you are setting up a new localization team, you will be able to choose one from the drop-down list on Transifex page.

Language codes available in Transifex

Please note that while Transifex offers both two letter and four letter language codes, you should stick to the following CKSource rules based on ISO 639-1:

  • For a standard variation of a language, use a two letter language code, for example pt for Portuguese as used in Portugal.
  • For a regional variant of a language only, use a four letter language code, for example pt_BR for Portuguese as used in Brazil.

Contribution License Agreement Error

When trying to join a translation team or requesting creation of a new team your action might be blocked with the following error message urging you to sign the Contribution License Agreement.

Contribution License Agreement error in Transifex

If this is the case, open the page in your browser, select the checkbox and click the Sign it button.

Signing the Contribution License Agreement in Transifex

Do I still need to escape apostrophes in localized strings?

No. Although previously we have been working directly on JavaScript files and all apostrophes had to be escaped by using a backslash character, you no longer need to do this. Our tools will now perform all the necessary replacements in the background so just enter a correct literal string.

  • Old version:
    Barre d\'emplacement des éléments de l\'éditeur
  • Current version:
    Barre d'emplacement des éléments de l'éditeur

How Do I Correct Existing Localizations?

When using CKEditor, you might notice that some language strings are not as good as they could be. If this is the case, you can log into the CKEditor UI Translation Center at Transifex and choose the resource you want to correct. When in online translation mode, just use the search bar to search for the term that you want to correct. Make sure you have not limited the list to untranslated entries only by clicking the Untranslated link above the editor input field.

Transifex hangs on uploading a localized file

Sometimes when a file is malformed or uses an incorrect encoding, the upload may not succeed — it will hang without a descriptive error message. If this happens please check the following:

  • Whether the file is correctly encoded.
    All CKEditor files are UTF-8 encoded. ANSI files will be rejected.
  • Whether the file does not contain BOM.
  • Whether the file structure was not altered in any way.
    You can run msgfmt -c on the file to check its correctness before you attempt to upload it.

Transifex reports a failed file correctness check

On uploading the file Transifex may report that the file is malformed.

Failed file correctness check in Transifex

As suggested by Transifex, check the file by running msgfmt -c. Possible causes of the error might be:

  • BOM is present at the beginning of the file.
  • The .po file structure was altered and is no longer compliant with the project resources.
This page was last edited on 1 March 2013, at 14:17.