
This website contains links to software which is either no longer maintained or will be supported only until the end of 2019 (CKFinder 2). For the latest documentation about current CKSource projects, including software like CKEditor 4/CKEditor 5, CKFinder 3, Cloud Services, Letters, Accessibility Checker, please visit the new documentation website.

If you look for an information about very old versions of CKEditor, FCKeditor and CKFinder check also the CKEditor forum, which was closed in 2015. If not, please head to StackOverflow for support.


When you tape a text without choosing the font format the "Format" combo is left empty (you see a blank field). Changing the DeaultFontFormatLabel gives you the possibility to change this behavior. Example:

FCKConfig.DefaultFontFormatLabel = 'Standard format' ;

You've chosen to label the "Format" combo 'Standard format'. When you will type the text you will see that the format label is 'Standard format'. If you choose the format 'Heading 1' from the combo the label will change as well. If you try to go back to the text written without changing the format you will see that it is labeled 'Standard format'. So as you can see the "DefaultFontFormatLabel" determines how the normally typed text will be labeled.