Upload Button

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The Upload button that is available in the CKFinder Toolbar opens the Upload Pane which you can use to add new files to the current folder.

The figure below presents the default file browser Upload Pane that is expanded when you click the toolbar button.

Flash Upload Panel in CKFinder

In order to close (collapse) the Upload Pane, press the Cancel button or click the Upload toolbar button once again.

important note

Upload is a technical term that stands for the action of sending the files from your local computer to a central computer (also known as a server).

Upload Pane Versions

CKFinder Upload Pane comes in two flavors, depending on your environment. By default, the multiple upload solution (that lets you send more files to the server in one operation) is used for all environments that support Adobe Flash. If, however, your local system does not support Flash, you will still be able to upload individual files in separate operations thanks to the fallback solution.

The figure above presents the default Upload Pane with multiple upload solution enabled. For all systems that do not support Flash (including some mobile browsers) the following Upload Pane format will be used.

Single file Upload Panel in CKFinder

Upload Steps

  1. Select the file from your computer by using the "Browse..."button. The text in the button may vary from browsers, but it will always be right after the "Select the file to upload" field.
  2. Click the "Upload Selected File" button. A message will appear, indicating that the upload is in progress.
  3. Wait for the upload to terminate. Once completed, the Upload Pane will close automatically, and the uploaded file will be selected in the Files Pane.

Upload Messages

The following are messages that may appear when uploading files:

The uploaded file has been renamed

A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to "filename(1).ext"

Indicates that the uploaded file name is already in use by another file in the same folder. To avoid conflict, a progressive number, the "(1)", has been appended to the original name.

Invalid file

The uploaded file has not been accepted.

The most common cause for this messages is that CKFinder has been configured to not accept the kind of file you are trying to upload, based on its extension. This is a security restriction. Another cause of it may be that the file size is too big for your system. In this case the server must be configured to accept bigger files.

Please contact your system administrator to have more information regarding the accepted file types and their size limits.

The file contains HTML like data

The uploaded file contains HTML code. For security reasons, only files with selected extensions are allowed to contain HTML code.