This website contains links to software which is either no longer maintained or will be supported only until the end of 2019 (CKFinder 2). For the latest documentation about current CKSource projects, including software like CKEditor 4/CKEditor 5, CKFinder 3, Cloud Services, Letters, Accessibility Checker, please visit the new documentation website.

If you look for an information about very old versions of CKEditor, FCKeditor and CKFinder check also the CKEditor forum, which was closed in 2015. If not, please head to StackOverflow for support.

PHP integration

The PHP integration method might be useful if you haven't worked with JavaScript before or the JavaScript integration seems to be too complicated.

Step 1: Loading CKFinder

To load CKFinder, we need to include a CKFinder class definition first.

Supposing that you have [[CKFinder_2.x/Developers_Guide/{{{language}}}/Installation|installed]] CKFinder at the "ckfinder" directory at the root of your web site, here you have an example:

require_once 'ckfinder/ckfinder.php';

With the above file loaded, the CKFinder class is ready to be used.

Step 2: Creating an Application Instance

Next thing to do, to have the CKFinder up & running, is creating an application instance:

$finder = new CKFinder();
$finder->BasePath = '/ckfinder/';

(put this code anywhere inside of the <body> tag). For an example please check the standalone sample distributed with CKFinder (_samples/php/standalone.php).