SelectFunction is the name of a special javascript function that may be called when file is selected inside of CKFinder. It can be used for example when CKFinder is working as a standalone file manager to insert a link to a file.
Suppose we have the following code to launch CKFinder:
<!-- include the CKFinder integration file --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ckfinder/ckfinder.js"></script> ... <script type="text/javascript"> var finder = new CKFinder() ; finder.BasePath = '/ckfinder/' ; finder.SelectFunction = ShowFileInfo ; finder.Create() ; </script>
In the code above, we have told CKFinder, that when file is selected by the user, the "ShowFileInfo" function should be called. The ShowFileInfo is a name of our custom function, which accepts two arguments passed by CKFinder:
- fileUrl - the url to selected file,
- data - a javascript object with additional information:
- data["fileUrl"] - same as the first argument,
- data["fileSize"] - size of a file in kilobytes, if the size of a file is smaller than 512b, it is set to 1(KB),
- data["fileDate"] - returns the time the file was last modified (in the format: YYYYMMDDhhmm),
- data["selectFunctionData"] - the value which was assigned to the SelectFunctionData property.
Example 1
function ShowFileInfo( fileUrl, data ) { alert( 'The selected file URL is "' + fileUrl + '"' ) ; var formatDate = function( date ) { return date.substr(0,4) + "-" + date.substr(4,2) + "-" + date.substr(6,2) + " " + date.substr(8,2) + ":" + date.substr(10,2) ; } alert( 'The selected file URL is: "' + data['fileUrl'] + '"' ) ; alert( 'The size of selected file is: "' + data['fileSize'] + 'KB"' ) ; alert( 'The selected file was last modifed on: "' + formatDate( data['fileDate'] ) + '"' ) ; alert( 'The data passed to the function is: "' + data['selectFunctionData'] + '"' ) ; }
(see standalone.html example in the _samples folder for a full example).
As explained above, SelectFunctionData is a special data (string) that can be passed to the SelectionFunction. Usually it would be the ID of a HTML field that should be updated when file is selected - this way we are able to update multiple fields using the same select function.
Example 2
<!-- include the CKFinder integration file --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ckfinder/ckfinder.js"></script> ... <script type="text/javascript"> function BrowseServer( inputId ) { var finder = new CKFinder() ; finder.BasePath = '/ckfinder/' ; finder.SelectFunction = SetFileField ; finder.SelectFunctionData = inputId ; finder.Popup() ; } function SetFileField( fileUrl, data ) { document.getElementById( data["selectFunctionData"] ).value = fileUrl ; } </script> ... <p> <strong>Selected File URL</strong><br/> <input id="xFilePath" name="FilePath" type="text" size="60" /> <input type="button" value="Browse Server" onclick="BrowseServer( 'xFilePath' );" /> </p> <p> <strong>Selected Image URL</strong><br/> <input id="xImagePath" name="ImagePath" type="text" size="60" /> <input type="button" value="Browse Server" onclick="BrowseServer( 'xImagePath' );" /> </p>
(see popups.html example in the _samples folder for a full example).