To create a new resource type you should place the section below in your config.asp file. Note that the options you can use are described in the Built-in resource types section.
Example: You want to create a resource type MSdocs which will only have doc,ppt,xls extensions and be maximum 2 megabites large.
Set ResourceTypes(3) = DefineResourceType( _ "MSdocs", _ baseUrl & "MSdocs", _ baseDir & "MSdocs", _ 2M, _ "doc,ppt,xls", _ "" _ )
The CKFinder will use all the resources types including the one specifies by you.
You must adjust the array definition to include your new resources:
Dim ResourceTypes(3)
If you want to limit the CKFinder to use only your resource type you must place it in the CKFinder_Config.Add "DefaultResourceTypes", "" field. Example:
CKFinder_Config.Add "DefaultResourceTypes", "MSdocs"