CKEditor 3 is designed with people who have disabilities in mind. In addition to be usable with a mouse, a keyboard and a monitor; CKEditor is usable with a keyboard and a screenreader as well. JAWS with IE7 and JAWS with Firefox 3 are currently supported.
- Tab and Shift+Tab
- Alt+F10
- Shift+F10 or Ctrl+Shift+F10
- Alt+F11
- Tab and Shift+Tab
- Enter and Esc
- Tab and Shift+Tab
- Alt+F10
- Enter and Esc
- Tab and Shift+Tab
- Enter and Esc
- Tab and Shift+Tab
- Enter and Esc
Editor Features
- Ctrl+Z
- Ctrl+Y and Ctrl+Shift+Z
- Ctrl+L
- Ctrl+B
- Ctrl+I
- Ctrl+U
- Editing Mode vs. Non-editing Mode
- Refreshing the Virtual Cursor