Inserting Images in CKEditor is very simple task. To add picture press the button on the toolbar. A popup window called "Image Properties" appears. It includes four bookmarks:
Image Info
File:CKEditor insert images.png
The first bookmark refers to the "Image Info"
- URL: defines the URL address of the image. User may also use the "Browse Sever" in order to browse the files.
- Alternative Text: gives the description of the image if user prefers it to be different from the image name.
- Width: specifies image’s width.
- Height: specifies image’s height.
User may lock the image proportions by pressing or may return to the original image size by pressing .
- Border: specifies the size of the border you want to place around the image.
- HSpace: defines the size of the horizontal gap.
- VSpace: defines the size of the vertical gap.
- Align: specifies the alignment of the image. User may choose between Left or Right.
In a "Preview" window user may view how the window looks with the added image.
Pressing "OK" inserts the image with the specified properties.
The second bookmark relates to "Link":
- URL: defines the URL address of the image. You may also use the "Browse Sever" in order to browse the files.
- Target: defines the target of the image (for advanced users). User may choose from New Window ( _blank ), Topmost Window ( _top ), Same Window ( _self ) or Parent Window ( _parent ).
The third bookmark is the "Upload" section:
- Upload: specifies the location of the image file on your local hard drive. User may also use "Browse" instead of typing the location manually.
Pressing "Send it to the Server" sends the image to the server.
This bookmark is only for advanced users:
- Id: specifies image's ID.
- Language Direction: sets the language direction from left to right ( LTR ) or from right to left ( RTL ).
- Language Code: specifies the language code e.g. en, pt, pl.
- Long Description URL: specifies the description of the page.
- Stylesheet Classes: specifies the name of the CSS class.
- Advisory Title: specifies the description of the target object.
- Style: specifies the style.