SVN Basics

This website contains links to software which is either no longer maintained or will be supported only until the end of 2019 (CKFinder 2). For the latest documentation about current CKSource projects, including software like CKEditor 4/CKEditor 5, CKFinder 3, Cloud Services, Letters, Accessibility Checker, please visit the new documentation website.

If you look for an information about very old versions of CKEditor, FCKeditor and CKFinder check also the CKEditor forum, which was closed in 2015. If not, please head to StackOverflow for support.

SVN Basics

Subversion (SVN) is a version control system. It is designed to be distributed, concurrent and expandable.

Version Control with Subversion is a wonderful book to help on making the first steps inside Subversion. You may also ready it online.

SVN Client

To work on the FCKeditor SVN, you need a SVN client software. There are two options that we recommend:

  • TortoiseSVN (strongly recommended), for Microsoft Windows.
  • The official SVN client, included in most Linux and BSD distributions; available for Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Checkout the FCKeditor trunk

Checkout is the act of downloading the FCKeditor code from our SVN server inside a local folder in your computer. This folder is called "local copy".

With TortoiseSVN

  1. Create an empty folder, which will be your local copy root. You may give any name for it, like "fckeditor".
  2. Right-click on the new folder and select SVN Checkout....
  3. In the URL of repository, paste the following URL: