The "Chameleon" Feature

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(Created page with "{{#CUSTOMTITLE:The "Chameleon" Feature}}One nice feature of CKEditor is its flexibility to easily match a website color scheme by simply setting the <code>config.uiColor</code...")
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Latest revision as of 17:03, 26 July 2012

One nice feature of CKEditor is its flexibility to easily match a website color scheme by simply setting the config.uiColor configuration option. While the Barbie site would set it to #F59FC6, Ninja Turtles would prefer #B1CC3D.

The core editor API controls the input of the preferred color, but it is the skin job to tell it how to change the color. That's because the skin itself defined where and how to use colors.

For that purpose, the function must be defined in the skin.js file. Please check the Kama skin files for full details.

Note that adopting this feature is totally optional. A skin developer may decide to have a fixed color and not give the possibility to change it. Of course we don’t recommend this, but if that is the case, it is enough to not defined the chameleon function in the skin.js file.

This page was last edited on 26 July 2012, at 17:03.