1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
  3  * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  4  */
  6 (function()
  7 {
  8 	function placeholderDialog( editor, isEdit )
  9 	{
 11 		var lang = editor.lang.placeholder,
 12 			generalLabel = editor.lang.common.generalTab;
 13 		return {
 14 			title : lang.title,
 15 			minWidth : 300,
 16 			minHeight : 80,
 17 			contents :
 18 			[
 19 				{
 20 					id : 'info',
 21 					label : generalLabel,
 22 					title : generalLabel,
 23 					elements :
 24 					[
 25 						{
 26 							id : 'text',
 27 							type : 'text',
 28 							style : 'width: 100%;',
 29 							label : lang.text,
 30 							'default' : '',
 31 							required : true,
 32 							validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( lang.textMissing ),
 33 							setup : function( element )
 34 							{
 35 								if ( isEdit )
 36 									this.setValue( element.getText().slice( 2, -2 ) );
 37 							},
 38 							commit : function( element )
 39 							{
 40 								var text = '[[' + this.getValue() + ']]';
 41 								// The placeholder must be recreated.
 42 								CKEDITOR.plugins.placeholder.createPlaceholder( editor, element, text );
 43 							}
 44 						}
 45 					]
 46 				}
 47 			],
 48 			onShow : function()
 49 			{
 50 				if ( isEdit )
 51 					this._element = CKEDITOR.plugins.placeholder.getSelectedPlaceHoder( editor );
 53 				this.setupContent( this._element );
 54 			},
 55 			onOk : function()
 56 			{
 57 				this.commitContent( this._element );
 58 				delete this._element;
 59 			}
 60 		};
 61 	}
 63 	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'createplaceholder', function( editor )
 64 		{
 65 			return placeholderDialog( editor );
 66 		});
 67 	CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'editplaceholder', function( editor )
 68 		{
 69 			return placeholderDialog( editor, 1 );
 70 		});
 71 } )();