1 /*
  2 Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
  3 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  4 */
  6 /**
  7  * @fileOverview Plugin for making iframe based dialogs.
  8  */
 10 CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'iframedialog',
 11 {
 12 	requires : [ 'dialog' ],
 13 	onLoad : function()
 14 	{
 15 		/**
 16 		 * An iframe base dialog.
 17 		 * @param {String} name Name of the dialog
 18 		 * @param {String} title Title of the dialog
 19 		 * @param {Number} minWidth Minimum width of the dialog
 20 		 * @param {Number} minHeight Minimum height of the dialog
 21 		 * @param {Function} [onContentLoad] Function called when the iframe has been loaded.
 22 		 * If it isn't specified, the inner frame is notified of the dialog events ('load',
 23 		 * 'resize', 'ok' and 'cancel') on a function called 'onDialogEvent'
 24 		 * @param {Object} [userDefinition] Additional properties for the dialog definition
 25 		 * @example
 26 		 */
 27 		CKEDITOR.dialog.addIframe = function( name, title, src, minWidth, minHeight, onContentLoad, userDefinition )
 28 		{
 29 			var element =
 30 			{
 31 				type : 'iframe',
 32 				src : src,
 33 				width : '100%',
 34 				height : '100%'
 35 			};
 37 			if ( typeof( onContentLoad ) == 'function' )
 38 				element.onContentLoad = onContentLoad;
 39 			else
 40 				element.onContentLoad = function()
 41 				{
 42 					var element = this.getElement(),
 43 						childWindow = element.$.contentWindow;
 45 					// If the inner frame has defined a "onDialogEvent" function, setup listeners
 46 					if ( childWindow.onDialogEvent )
 47 					{
 48 						var dialog = this.getDialog(),
 49 							notifyEvent = function(e)
 50 							{
 51 								return childWindow.onDialogEvent(e);
 52 							};
 54 						dialog.on( 'ok', notifyEvent );
 55 						dialog.on( 'cancel', notifyEvent );
 56 						dialog.on( 'resize', notifyEvent );
 58 						// Clear listeners
 59 						dialog.on( 'hide', function(e)
 60 							{
 61 								dialog.removeListener( 'ok', notifyEvent );
 62 								dialog.removeListener( 'cancel', notifyEvent );
 63 								dialog.removeListener( 'resize', notifyEvent );
 65 								e.removeListener();
 66 							} );
 68 						// Notify child iframe of load:
 69 						childWindow.onDialogEvent( {
 70 								name : 'load',
 71 								sender : this,
 72 								editor : dialog._.editor
 73 							} );
 74 					}
 75 				};
 77 			var definition =
 78 			{
 79 				title : title,
 80 				minWidth : minWidth,
 81 				minHeight : minHeight,
 82 				contents :
 83 				[
 84 					{
 85 						id : 'iframe',
 86 						label : title,
 87 						expand : true,
 88 						elements : [ element ]
 89 					}
 90 				]
 91 			};
 93 			for ( var i in userDefinition )
 94 				definition[i] = userDefinition[i];
 96 			this.add( name, function(){ return definition; } );
 97 		};
 99 		(function()
100 		{
101 			/**
102 			 * An iframe element.
103 			 * @extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement
104 			 * @example
105 			 * @constructor
106 			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
107 			 * Parent dialog object.
108 			 * @param {CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
109 			 * The element definition. Accepted fields:
110 			 * <ul>
111 			 * 	<li><strong>src</strong> (Required) The src field of the iframe. </li>
112 			 * 	<li><strong>width</strong> (Required) The iframe's width.</li>
113 			 * 	<li><strong>height</strong> (Required) The iframe's height.</li>
114 			 * 	<li><strong>onContentLoad</strong> (Optional) A function to be executed
115 			 * 	after the iframe's contents has finished loading.</li>
116 			 * </ul>
117 			 * @param {Array} htmlList
118 			 * List of HTML code to output to.
119 			 */
120 			var iframeElement = function( dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList )
121 			{
122 				if ( arguments.length < 3 )
123 					return;
125 				var _ = ( this._ || ( this._ = {} ) ),
126 					contentLoad = elementDefinition.onContentLoad && CKEDITOR.tools.bind( elementDefinition.onContentLoad, this ),
127 					cssWidth = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( elementDefinition.width ),
128 					cssHeight = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength( elementDefinition.height );
129 				_.frameId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + '_iframe';
131 				// IE BUG: Parent container does not resize to contain the iframe automatically.
132 				dialog.on( 'load', function()
133 					{
134 						var iframe = CKEDITOR.document.getById( _.frameId ),
135 							parentContainer = iframe.getParent();
137 						parentContainer.setStyles(
138 							{
139 								width : cssWidth,
140 								height : cssHeight
141 							} );
142 					} );
144 				var attributes =
145 				{
146 					src : '%2',
147 					id : _.frameId,
148 					frameborder : 0,
149 					allowtransparency : true
150 				};
151 				var myHtml = [];
153 				if ( typeof( elementDefinition.onContentLoad ) == 'function' )
154 					attributes.onload = 'CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(%1);';
156 				CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call( this, dialog, elementDefinition, myHtml, 'iframe',
157 						{
158 							width : cssWidth,
159 							height : cssHeight
160 						}, attributes, '' );
162 				// Put a placeholder for the first time.
163 				htmlList.push( '<div style="width:' + cssWidth + ';height:' + cssHeight + ';" id="' + this.domId + '"></div>' );
165 				// Iframe elements should be refreshed whenever it is shown.
166 				myHtml = myHtml.join( '' );
167 				dialog.on( 'show', function()
168 					{
169 						var iframe = CKEDITOR.document.getById( _.frameId ),
170 							parentContainer = iframe.getParent(),
171 							callIndex = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( contentLoad ),
172 							html = myHtml.replace( '%1', callIndex ).replace( '%2', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( elementDefinition.src ) );
173 						parentContainer.setHtml( html );
174 					} );
175 			};
177 			iframeElement.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement;
179 			CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement( 'iframe',
180 				{
181 					build : function( dialog, elementDefinition, output )
182 					{
183 						return new iframeElement( dialog, elementDefinition, output );
184 					}
185 				} );
186 		})();
187 	}
188 } );