1 /*
  2 Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
  3 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
  4 */
  6 /**
  7  * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dtd} object, which holds the DTD
  8  *		mapping for XHTML 1.0 Transitional. This file was automatically
  9  *		generated from the file: xhtml1-transitional.dtd.
 10  */
 12 /**
 13  * @namespace Holds and object representation of the HTML DTD to be used by the
 14  * editor in its internal operations.<br />
 15  * <br />
 16  * Each element in the DTD is represented by a property in this object. Each
 17  * property contains the list of elements that can be contained by the element.
 18  * Text is represented by the "#" property.<br />
 19  * <br />
 20  * Several special grouping properties are also available. Their names start
 21  * with the "$" character.
 22  * @example
 23  * // Check if "div" can be contained in a "p" element.
 24  * alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'p' ][ 'div' ] );  "false"
 25  * @example
 26  * // Check if "p" can be contained in a "div" element.
 27  * alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'div' ][ 'p' ] );  "true"
 28  * @example
 29  * // Check if "p" is a block element.
 30  * alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ 'p' ] );  "true"
 31  */
 32 CKEDITOR.dtd = (function()
 33 {
 34 	var X = CKEDITOR.tools.extend,
 36 		A = {isindex:1,fieldset:1},
 37 		B = {input:1,button:1,select:1,textarea:1,label:1},
 38 		C = X({a:1},B),
 39 		D = X({iframe:1},C),
 40 		E = {hr:1,ul:1,menu:1,div:1,section:1,header:1,footer:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,figure:1,dialog:1,hgroup:1,mark:1,time:1,meter:1,command:1,keygen:1,output:1,progress:1,audio:1,video:1,details:1,datagrid:1,datalist:1,blockquote:1,noscript:1,table:1,center:1,address:1,dir:1,pre:1,h5:1,dl:1,h4:1,noframes:1,h6:1,ol:1,h1:1,h3:1,h2:1},
 41 		F = {ins:1,del:1,script:1,style:1},
 42 		G = X({b:1,acronym:1,bdo:1,'var':1,'#':1,abbr:1,code:1,br:1,i:1,cite:1,kbd:1,u:1,strike:1,s:1,tt:1,strong:1,q:1,samp:1,em:1,dfn:1,span:1,wbr:1},F),
 43 		H = X({sub:1,img:1,object:1,sup:1,basefont:1,map:1,applet:1,font:1,big:1,small:1,mark:1},G),
 44 		I = X({p:1},H),
 45 		J = X({iframe:1},H,B),
 46 		K = {img:1,noscript:1,br:1,kbd:1,center:1,button:1,basefont:1,h5:1,h4:1,samp:1,h6:1,ol:1,h1:1,h3:1,h2:1,form:1,font:1,'#':1,select:1,menu:1,ins:1,abbr:1,label:1,code:1,table:1,script:1,cite:1,input:1,iframe:1,strong:1,textarea:1,noframes:1,big:1,small:1,span:1,hr:1,sub:1,bdo:1,'var':1,div:1,section:1,header:1,footer:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,figure:1,dialog:1,hgroup:1,mark:1,time:1,meter:1,menu:1,command:1,keygen:1,output:1,progress:1,audio:1,video:1,details:1,datagrid:1,datalist:1,object:1,sup:1,strike:1,dir:1,map:1,dl:1,applet:1,del:1,isindex:1,fieldset:1,ul:1,b:1,acronym:1,a:1,blockquote:1,i:1,u:1,s:1,tt:1,address:1,q:1,pre:1,p:1,em:1,dfn:1},
 48 		L = X({a:1},J),
 49 		M = {tr:1},
 50 		N = {'#':1},
 51 		O = X({param:1},K),
 52 		P = X({form:1},A,D,E,I),
 53 		Q = {li:1},
 54 		R = {style:1,script:1},
 55 		S = {base:1,link:1,meta:1,title:1},
 56 		T = X(S,R),
 57 		U = {head:1,body:1},
 58 		V = {html:1};
 60 	var block = {address:1,blockquote:1,center:1,dir:1,div:1,section:1,header:1,footer:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,figure:1,dialog:1,hgroup:1,time:1,meter:1,menu:1,command:1,keygen:1,output:1,progress:1,audio:1,video:1,details:1,datagrid:1,datalist:1,dl:1,fieldset:1,form:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,hr:1,isindex:1,noframes:1,ol:1,p:1,pre:1,table:1,ul:1};
 62 	return /** @lends CKEDITOR.dtd */ {
 64 		// The "$" items have been added manually.
 66 		// List of elements living outside body.
 67 		$nonBodyContent: X(V,U,S),
 69 		/**
 70 		 * List of block elements, like "p" or "div".
 71 		 * @type Object
 72 		 * @example
 73 		 */
 74 		$block : block,
 76 		/**
 77 		 * List of block limit elements.
 78 		 * @type Object
 79 		 * @example
 80 		 */
 81 		$blockLimit : { body:1,div:1,section:1,header:1,footer:1,nav:1,article:1,aside:1,figure:1,dialog:1,hgroup:1,time:1,meter:1,menu:1,command:1,keygen:1,output:1,progress:1,audio:1,video:1,details:1,datagrid:1,datalist:1,td:1,th:1,caption:1,form:1 },
 83 		/**
 84 		 * List of inline (<span> like) elements.
 85 		 */
 86 		$inline : L,	// Just like span.
 88 		/**
 89 		 * list of elements that can be children at <body>.
 90 		 */
 91 		$body : X({script:1,style:1}, block),
 93 		$cdata : {script:1,style:1},
 95 		/**
 96 		 * List of empty (self-closing) elements, like "br" or "img".
 97 		 * @type Object
 98 		 * @example
 99 		 */
100 		$empty : {area:1,base:1,br:1,col:1,hr:1,img:1,input:1,link:1,meta:1,param:1,wbr:1},
102 		/**
103 		 * List of list item elements, like "li" or "dd".
104 		 * @type Object
105 		 * @example
106 		 */
107 		$listItem : {dd:1,dt:1,li:1},
109 		/**
110 		 * List of list root elements.
111 		 * @type Object
112 		 * @example
113 		 */
114 		$list: {ul:1,ol:1,dl:1},
116 		/**
117 		 * Elements that accept text nodes, but are not possible to edit into
118 		 * the browser.
119 		 * @type Object
120 		 * @example
121 		 */
122 		$nonEditable : {applet:1,button:1,embed:1,iframe:1,map:1,object:1,option:1,script:1,textarea:1,param:1,audio:1,video:1},
124 		/**
125 		 *  List of block tags with each one a singleton element lives in the corresponding structure for description.
126 		 */
127 		$captionBlock : { caption:1, legend:1 },
129 		/**
130 		 * List of elements that can be ignored if empty, like "b" or "span".
131 		 * @type Object
132 		 * @example
133 		 */
134 		$removeEmpty : {abbr:1,acronym:1,address:1,b:1,bdo:1,big:1,cite:1,code:1,del:1,dfn:1,em:1,font:1,i:1,ins:1,label:1,kbd:1,q:1,s:1,samp:1,small:1,span:1,strike:1,strong:1,sub:1,sup:1,tt:1,u:1,'var':1,mark:1},
136 		/**
137 		 * List of elements that have tabindex set to zero by default.
138 		 * @type Object
139 		 * @example
140 		 */
141 		$tabIndex : {a:1,area:1,button:1,input:1,object:1,select:1,textarea:1},
143 		/**
144 		 * List of elements used inside the "table" element, like "tbody" or "td".
145 		 * @type Object
146 		 * @example
147 		 */
148 		$tableContent : {caption:1,col:1,colgroup:1,tbody:1,td:1,tfoot:1,th:1,thead:1,tr:1},
150         html: U,
151         head: T,
152         style: N,
153         script: N,
154         body: P,
155         base: {},
156         link: {},
157         meta: {},
158         title: N,
159         col : {},
160         tr : {td:1,th:1},
161         img : {},
162         colgroup : {col:1},
163         noscript : P,
164         td : P,
165         br : {},
166         wbr : {},
167         th : P,
168         center : P,
169         kbd : L,
170         button : X(I,E),
171         basefont : {},
172         h5 : L,
173         h4 : L,
174         samp : L,
175         h6 : L,
176         ol : Q,
177         h1 : L,
178         h3 : L,
179         option : N,
180         h2 : L,
181         form : X(A,D,E,I),
182         select : {optgroup:1,option:1},
183         font : L,
184         ins : L,
185         menu : Q,
186         abbr : L,
187         label : L,
188         table : {thead:1,col:1,tbody:1,tr:1,colgroup:1,caption:1,tfoot:1},
189         code : L,
190         tfoot : M,
191         cite : L,
192         li : P,
193         input : {},
194         iframe : P,
195         strong : L,
196         textarea : N,
197         noframes : P,
198         big : L,
199         small : L,
200         span : L,
201         hr : {},
202         dt : L,
203         sub : L,
204         optgroup : {option:1},
205         param : {},
206         bdo : L,
207         'var' : L,
208         div : P,
209         object : O,
210         sup : L,
211         dd : P,
212         strike : L,
213         area : {},
214         dir : Q,
215         map : X({area:1,form:1,p:1},A,F,E),
216         applet : O,
217         dl : {dt:1,dd:1},
218         del : L,
219         isindex : {},
220         fieldset : X({legend:1},K),
221         thead : M,
222         ul : Q,
223         acronym : L,
224         b : L,
225         a : J,
226         blockquote : P,
227         caption : L,
228         i : L,
229         u : L,
230         tbody : M,
231         s : L,
232         address : X(D,I),
233         tt : L,
234         legend : L,
235         q : L,
236         pre : X(G,C),
237         p : L,
238         em : L,
239         dfn : L,
240 		//HTML5
241 		section : P,
242 		header : P,
243 		footer : P,
244 		nav : P,
245 		article : P,
246 		aside : P,
247 		figure: P,
248 		dialog : P,
249 		hgroup : P,
250 		mark : L,
251 		time : L,
252 		meter : L,
253 		menu : L,
254 		command : L,
255 		keygen : L,
256 		output : L,
257 		progress : O,
258 		audio : O,
259 		video : O,
260 		details : O,
261 		datagrid : O,
262 		datalist : O
263     };
264 })();