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Class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement

Extends CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.
Defined in: plugins/dialogui/plugin.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement(dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, contentHtml)
Base class for all dialog elements with a textual label on the left.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Retrieves the current label text of the elment.
Sets the label text of the element.
Methods borrowed from class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement:
accessKeyDown, accessKeyUp, disable, enable, focus, getDialog, getElement, getInputElement, getValue, isChanged, isEnabled, isFocusable, isVisible, registerEvents, selectParentTab, setValue
Events borrowed from class CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement:
Class Detail
CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement(dialog, elementDefinition, htmlList, contentHtml)
Since: 3.0
Base class for all dialog elements with a textual label on the left.
{CKEDITOR.dialog} dialog
Parent dialog object.
{CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement} elementDefinition
The element definition. Accepted fields:
  • label (Required) The label string.
  • labelLayout (Optional) Put 'horizontal' here if the label element is to be layed out horizontally. Otherwise a vertical layout will be used.
  • widths (Optional) This applies only for horizontal layouts - an 2-element array of lengths to specify the widths of the label and the content element.
{Array} htmlList
List of HTML code to output to.
{Function} contentHtml
A function returning the HTML code string to be added inside the content cell.
Field Detail
{Object} eventProcessors
Since: 3.0
Defines the onChange event for UI element definitions.
Method Detail
{String} getLabel()
Since: 3.0
Retrieves the current label text of the elment.
{String} The current label text.

{CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement} setLabel(label)
Since: 3.0
Sets the label text of the element.
{String} label
The new label text.
{CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement} The current labeled element.

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