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Extends CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.labeledElement.
Defined in: plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The definition of a select element.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The default value.
An array of options.
(Optional) Set this to true if you'd like to have a multiple-choice select box.
(Optional) The number of items to display in the select box.
(Optional) The validation function.
Fields borrowed from class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.labeledElement:
controlStyle, inputStyle, label, labelLayout, labelStyle, widths
Fields borrowed from class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement:
align, className, commit, id, onHide, onLoad, onShow, setup, style, title, type
Class Detail
Since: 3.0
The definition of a select element.
This class is not really part of the API. It just illustrates the properties that developers can use to define and create select elements.

Once the dialog is opened, the created element becomes a object and can be accessed with CKEDITOR.dialog#getContentElement.
For a complete example of dialog definition, please check CKEDITOR.dialog.add.
// There is no constructor for this class, the user just has to define an
// object with the appropriate properties.

// Example:
	type : 'select',
	id : 'sport',
	label : 'Select your favourite sport',
	items : [ [ 'Basketball' ], [ 'Baseball' ], [ 'Hockey' ], [ 'Football' ] ],
	'default' : 'Football',
	onChange : function( api ) {
		// this =
		alert( 'Current value: ' + this.getValue() );
Field Detail
{String} default
Since: 3.0
The default value.

{Array} items
Since: 3.0
An array of options. Each option is a 1- or 2-item array of format [ 'Description', 'Value' ]. If 'Value' is missing, then the value would be assumed to be the same as the description.

{Boolean} multiple
Since: 3.0
(Optional) Set this to true if you'd like to have a multiple-choice select box.
Default Value:

{Number} size
Since: 3.0
(Optional) The number of items to display in the select box.

{Function} validate
Since: 3.0
(Optional) The validation function.

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